11 Ways To Prepare For Going Back To Work After Maternity Leave

11 Ways To Prepare For Going Back To Work After Maternity Leave

Going back to work after maternity leave often comes with a rollercoaster of emotions for many moms. The ‘mom guilt’ makes an appearance when you think about leaving your little one, topped with the apprehension and worry whether you can still do your job on little sleep and months of being in ‘mom mode’. Then there’s the added worry of whether you’ll actually achieve the fine art of getting to work on time once you’ve juggled breakfast time and getting you and your little one ready and out the door. Finally, there’s the emotional stress of choosing childcare that you’re happy with. It’s no wonder so many new moms feel a little overwhelmed with the return to work!

While every mom is different, and there’s no quick fix or perfect ‘return to work’ method, there are practical tips and techniques that can have you and your little one ready for the new adventure that awaits you both. 

1. Preparation is key

Don’t put off planning for your return because you think it’ll burst the new baby bubble. By planning well in advance you’ll save yourself weeks of worry and stress, leaving more time to enjoy those snuggles, baby dates and maternity leave. It’s actually ideal to plan while you are still pregnant when you aren’t so tired or occupied with a new baby. Think about your return date. An ideal ‘back to work’ plan is to stagger your start back rather than going in full time from day one. It’ll make it easier for both you and your little one and you won’t be left feeling completely drained by the end of your first week back.

2. Take your baby to work

If it’s OK with your employer, take your baby into work for a visit a couple of times. This will make you feel more relaxed about your return and still gives you a chance to catch up with work colleagues and introduce your little one to them. This is an easy way to ease you in so that your new mom life and your work life don’t feel so separate.

3. Come up with a daily routine

Work out how long it’ll take to get you and your little one ready and out the door. Don’t forget to factor in dropping off to childcare and your travel to work. It’ll likely mean an early start, but as a new mom you’ll probably be used to getting up at the crack of dawn to start your day. Have a couple of practice runs in the weeks before your return. Get everything ready the night before to avoid a stressful start to the day. Plan yours and your baby’s outfit, pack lunches, your baby’s bag and your own and have everything by the door ready to go.

4. Ease your little one into childcare

If you’ve already found childcare, most settings offer a ‘settling in period’ which is beneficial for both parents and baby in the return to work. Let your baby go to their ‘settling in’ session with something that smells of you, to offer reassurance and familiarity. Something like a muslin cloth or comforter is ideal.

5. Plan for when things go wrong

Think about ‘what ifs’ and plan accordingly – what will happen if your little one is too sick to go to childcare? What if the childcare is closed due to illness or other reasons? Have a plan in place ready for every eventuality and it’ll make the return to work less stressful.

6. Do a practice run

It’s likely that your baby has been used to having you around full-time since birth, so if you haven’t already, now’s the time to book a babysitter. It’s beneficial for the both of you that your baby has a little time adjusting to playtime without you, so that the eventual childcare ‘drop-off’ doesn’t become a tearful start to your day. Ask friends or family to babysit for an hour here or there in the few weeks before your start date. This’ll give you both time to adjust.

7. Go shopping

Unless you are super lucky – it’s likely your pre-pregnancy work clothes won’t fit you, so don’t stress yourself trying to fit into them. Instead, go on a shopping trip and buy flattering work outfits that make you feel wonderful. Not only will you look great, you’ll feel confident and look forward to returning to work. This can be a stressful time and a little reward (as long as you don’t go crazy!) will make you feel more positive about the experience.

8. Be kind to yourself

Returning to work can be both physically and emotionally draining – so it’s essential you are kind to yourself. Make lunchtime ‘me time’. Use your lunch breaks to do something nice and take a break from work. It’s important to not overdo it in the first few months back or you could burn yourself out. Go for a gentle walk listening to music, or maybe book a hair appointment to have a well deserved pamper. Don’t feel guilty about having time for yourself either, a happy and healthy mommy is best for you and baby.

9. Eat Well

Remember to eat well even if sometimes it’s easier and quicker to opt for the unhealthy option. This is especially important if you are still breastfeeding and expressing. Bulk cook meals and freeze them on the weekends if you find that you are too tired to cook in the evenings, and pack nutritious lunch boxes to take with you to work. Healthy eating will make you feel better and less exhausted too!

10. Rest, rest, rest

Don’t be sucked into sitting up and watching Netflix until midnight! Get some decent night’s sleep by getting an early night a few times a week. The return to work will likely knock you for six in the first few weeks, so good sleep habits will make you feel so much better and ready to face each day. Avoid planning busy weekends or events on your first few weeks back at work. Enjoy lazy family pajama days and chilled weekends together. There’s plenty of time for busy family adventures.

11. Ditch the mom guilt

Whatever your reasons for returning to work, please ditch that mom guilt. Your baby will have a wonderful time in childcare, and you’ll value all of the time you get with them in the mornings, evenings at the weekends and during holidays, so put your mind into positivity mode and look forward to going back to work after maternity leave!