14 Ways To Help Dad Feel Involved In Pregnancy

14 Ways To Help Dad Feel Involved In Pregnancy


From swollen ankles to not recognising their own belly button, it’s fair to say that mom’s to-be experience physical and emotional changes throughout their pregnancy.

Everyone is interested in her. How far along are you, are you having a boy or a girl and how she’s doing. However, it is important to remember that the dad-to-be is going through the excitement of having a baby too and will want to be involved within the process as much as possible. You’re a team and can be involved in the journey together.

Here are 14 tips to make sure Dad-to-be is involved every step of the way!

Go to appointments together

Nothing will make baby more real than seeing the first scan or hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. This is such an incredible experience for first-time parents and will allow you both to feel more connected with the baby and the pregnancy as a whole. 


Talk about your expectations and concerns together before the birth. Ask your partners parents as well as your own what their advice is for parenting. This will give you a huge indication on how to merge your parenting styles to create a unique one for you both. Be honest with each other. This is going to be a huge first experience for both mom and dad. It’s important to be honest and talk about concerns and expectations now to be more prepared in the future. 

Get to know about her body changes

This one sounds impossible as you can’t experience every change your partner is going through. However, it’s the little things! Ask your partner to let you know when the baby kicks, it might be a while until baby is big enough for you to feel the kicks, but ask your partner to keep letting you know when she experiences kicks and see if you can feel her tummy move. It will be such a special moment for you both and will help you feel connected to the baby. 

Make decorating decisions together

Both being involved in the decorating of the nursery will help you feel connected to the baby. Shortlist decorating choices and make the final choices together. Imagine how proud you’ll be telling family and friends you designed and decorated the nursery. 

Create a baby record book

Baby record books are an incredible way of recording everything throughout and after the pregnancy. If you buy one, make sure you both sit down and fill it in together. You both might find different things about each others experience and bond as a couple over the pregnancy. 

Make the announcement together

Decide on how to tell your friends and family together. There are so many creative ways to tell your nearest and dearest. Sit down together and decide how to tell everyone the big news, it will be so exciting to see everyones reactions to your big news. 

Take a parenting class

There is no time like the present to learn about everything to expect when having a baby. The classes will teach you both about topics such as relationship skills, child health and safety, ways to help children learn and so many more valuable lessons. Go to these together. You are a team, remember!

Keep a diary

Take turns to write down your thoughts, fears, what makes you excited and anything else you both can think of to remember the experience. Consider writing little notes or letters to your baby, tell them what you’re looking forward to and how you will prepare for their arrival. This will not only be an amazing memory for the future but it is a brilliant conversation starter for both to talk about any of the information written in the diary. 

Brainstorm baby names

Your little one can’t be called “baby” or “bump” forever. Talk to your partner about names you like and dislike. This is a fun and simple way to prepare for your baby. 

Consider a joint baby shower

There are no rules that baby showers are just for moms-to-be. Both parents will be extremely excited about the upcoming birth of their baby so why not involve everyone in the celebration. 

Write a birth plan together

Talk about the actual birth together. You don’t want to be about to give birth and have no plan. Think together about what type of labour you want, what you both would like to have, what you want to avoid, who you want in the room with you. These are all really important decisions that if made together can make dad feel more involved in the pregnancy process. 

Talk to the baby

Talk and even sing to your partners tummy. Believe it or not your baby can actually hear you from as early as 18 weeks and will be aware that you both are there. Talking or singing to your baby will bond you both together as a family. Your baby might even react to your voice by kicking which will be an unforgettable experience. 

Go on joint shopping trips

Consider your baby’s first toy and what outfit you want them to leave the hospital in. All of these choices and things you will remember in years to come. Take a trip to the mall and look at all the things you could buy. This will leave you both feeling excited and ready for the new chapter in your life. 

Go on a babymoon

A babymoon is a relaxing vacation taken by parents-to-be before the baby is born. This is an opportunity for both of you to spend some time together as a couple before the baby is due to arrive. You can enjoy each others company and let yourselves become excited for the future of your growing family.