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Final Note
Breastfeeding Basics sponsored by Medela
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When it comes to breastfeeding, you don’t need a lot of specialized equipment. There are some essential items that can support and enhance the breastfeeding experience:

Nursing Bras: Invest in a few well-fitting nursing bras that provide comfort and support. These bras have specially design flaps or clasps that allow easy access for breastfeeding.

Nursing Pads: Disposable or reusable nursing pads can be used to absorb any leaking breast milk between feedings. They help keep your clothes dry and prevent discomfort.

Breast Pump: A breast pump can be a valuable tool if you plan to express milk or build up a supply for occasions when you’re away from your baby. Both manual and electric pumps are available, so choose one that suits your needs.

Breast Milk Storage Containers: If you plan to express and store breast milk, you’ll need containers such as bottles or milk storage bags to store the milk safely. Ensure they are BPA-free and designed for breast milk storage.

Nipple Cream: Nipple cream or lanolin ointment can help soothe and moisturize sore or cracked nipples during the early stages of breastfeeding.

Nursing Pillow: A nursing pillow can provide support and comfort for both you and your baby during feeding sessions. It helps position the baby at the breast and alleviates strain on your arms, neck and back.

Nursing Cover or Scarf: If you prefer some privacy while breastfeeding in public or around others, a nursing cover or scarf can provide coverage and help you feel more at ease.

Breastfeeding Support Cushion: Some mom’s find it helpful to have a supportive cushion or pillow to prop up their baby during feeding sessions, especially if the baby has difficulty latching or if the mom has specific positioning needs.

Nursing Stool or Footrest: A nursing stool or footrest can help you maintain a comfortable and ergonomic position while breastfeeding. It provides support for your feed and helps prevent strain on your back.

Remember, while these items can be helpful, the most important tools for successful breastfeeding are your breasts and your baby. Establishing a good latch, finding comfortable positions, and seeking support and guidance from healthcare professionals or lactation consultants are crucial aspects of a positive breastfeeding experience.