Top Tips to Help with Toilet Training

Top Tips to Help with Toilet Training

Once you have moved out of the baby stage and you are fully on to the toddler and preschool age THIS can feel like the next big task and transition for you child. Toilet Training ah!!

Many parents will be wondering, how should we even start? What if my child isn’t interested? Is there a best time?  

There are a million opinions on toilet training techniques and how it can be done. With all those ideas out there – it can become confusing as to when you should start the process.  The truth is, there is no ideal window or magic toilet training age. 

Here are our top 5 tips to help set your little one up for success:

  1. Bring your child to the bathroom with you – start the process by just bringing your child to the washroom and using toilet language. Mommy is going to pee now, Daddy is going to poop, this is the toilet, now we wash our hands. All of this is just the introduction. 
  2. Have a smaller potty in the bathroom – no pressure, you can offer to your child to sit on it as a part of the bedtime routine, potty, bath, brush teeth etc. No pressure to pee or poop just develop comfortability with it without forcing the issue. You can also do this when you bring your child to the bathroom with you! The BabyBjorn potty chair is a good one, low to the ground and can help position them for pooping easier. 
  3. Ensure your child is NOT constipated. This is honestly one of the biggest signs of readiness. Something we just don’t talk about enough is constipation. Ensuring your child’s poop is soft and mushy is imperative.  Why does this matter? If your little one is still in diapers, they likely don’t think twice about pooping, especially if it is soft and easy to pass. Once your child starts to poop in the potty or toilet, the choice becomes involved and if this is painful they may resist and hold their poop resulting in an even bigger challenge, the power struggle and chronic constipation!
  4. Story. We always say this about toddler and preschoolers but we whole heartedly believe that this is important. Language and knowledge go a long way. Start using the language around the toilet, describe how you feel when you have to pee, point out if they pee or poop, ‘Oh I see you are peeing now’ when they are doing it. Reading stories about the potty can introduce words and descriptions in a no pressure situation. 
  5. Avoid the power struggle if at all possible. We want to create a positive no pressure environment for your little one. Choosing to use the toilet is 100% up to your little one. This can be so frustrating as parents because you likely feel that your child is more than capable. Why won’t they just go in the toilet already! If you are feeling this way, first off, know that you’re not alone but keeping things low key, offering but not forcing and avoid ‘consequences’ for accidents can really help the situation progress when your child is ready. 

Give yourself and your child grace as you navigate this new territory together.  For any questions you may have, reach out and send us a message.  As always, sending you so much love and support!