Common Pregnancy Questions

Common Pregnancy Questions


It can be a challenge to go about even daily living without the urge to google.. “should I have ate that”, or “is that feeling normal?”. Here is a list of my favourite questions wondered by expecting mamas.

Is sushi safe to eat in pregnancy?

The answer is some sushi is safe! There are two reasons expecting women need to be cautious with sushi. It is important to be mindful of mercury that can be present in fish, as well as the risk surrounding raw sushi; eating raw fish increases your chances of contracting listeria which can cause stillbirth. So, your favorite sushi place isn’t off limits, just change your order to include cooked fish. In fact, the FDA recommends pregnant women consume two to three servings of low mercury fish each week.

Can I wax down there while pregnant?

While there are no studies that say you shouldn’t, it is something you should do with caution for a couple of reasons. First, choose a reputable salon with high sterility standards. You do not want to be introducing bacteria to that area before birth! Second, gear up for some extra discomfort. The extra blood flow in pregnancy can make waxing a lot more sensitive. 

When do I actually start making breast milk?

Your body starts producing colostrum (the yellow, thicker milk high in antibodies) around 16-22 weeks pregnant. It is completely normal for some women to leak, especially as their pregnancy progresses.

Is sex actually safe in pregnancy?

Usually, yes. It is important to get the go ahead from your health care provider during one of your first visits. If you have experienced bleeding, or your placenta is close or covering your cervix (placenta previa), your physician will recommend waiting. If your placenta isn’t near your cervix, it is fine to have sex daily all the way till your water breaks. After that, no more sex until 6 weeks post partum!

When can I travel in an airplane until?

This is both pregnancy dependent and airline dependent. If you are considering flying, first chat with your health care provider to get the green light, then call the airline. Usually airlines allow air travel in pregnancy up until 32-36 weeks depending on the length of the flight. It is also important to check your travel insurance to ensure you have adequate coverage for both you and baby if you were to deliver early at your destination. When flying, wear compression stockings and choose an aisle seat so you can get up for frequent walks to keep blood circulating in your legs to prevent blood clots.