Cradle Position
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Final Note
Breastfeeding Basics sponsored by Medela
About Lesson

The cradle breastfeeding position is a commonly used position that allows the baby to lie on their side facing the mother’s chest. Here’s how you can achieve the cradle position:

Sit in a comfortable chair or position yourself in a supportive manner on a bed or couch. Use pillows or cushions to support your back, arms, and the baby.

Hold your baby in your arms, with their head resting in the crook of your arm on the side where you plan to breastfeed. Use the arm on the same side as the breast you’ll be nursing from.

Place a pillow or rolled-up blanket on your lap to bring the baby closer to breast level, if needed, to ensure proper alignment and prevent strain on your back or neck.

Support your baby’s neck and shoulders with your forearm, while your hand supports their bottom. Your baby’s body should be facing your chest, with their nose in line with your nipple.

Gently bring your baby towards your breast, allowing their mouth to open wide. Ensure that their lower lip and tongue are positioned beneath the nipple, and their top lip flanges outward.

Once your baby has a wide latch, you can support your breast with your free hand if needed. This can help guide the baby’s mouth onto the nipple and areola for a deep latch.

Ensure that your baby’s chin is touching your breast, and their nose is not blocked. This allows them to breathe comfortably while nursing.

During the feeding, you can use your free hand to stroke your baby’s back, hold their hand, or simply enjoy the skin-to-skin contact.

If you need to switch sides or if your baby finishes nursing on one breast, gently reposition yourself and your baby to the other breast, using the same cradle hold.

Remember to keep yourself and your baby comfortable throughout the feeding session. You may need to adjust the position slightly to find what works best for both of you.