How to Change a Diaper – Step-by-Step Guide

How to Change a Diaper - Step-by-Step Guide


You might feel all fingers and thumbs changing a disposable diaper for the first few times, but follow this easy guide and you’ll be an expert in no time.

Step 1

Place your baby on his changing mat and unfasten the diaper tabs, folding them back on themselves so they’re out of the way.


Step 2

Lift his bottom off the table and either take the dirty diaper away or fold it in half under him, unsoiled side up. Wipe your baby’s front with warm water and cotton wool (or a wet wipe), then lift his legs up so you’re holding his ankles with one hand. This might make for an unflattering angle, but it allows you to gently wipe your baby’s bottom.

Step 3

Grab a clean diaper and place the half with the tabs under your baby’s rear. Pull up the top half of the diaper, trying not to bunch the material, and fasten using the tabs. It needs to be snug to stay put, but don’t make it so tight it pinches. Tab up the dirty diaper and put it in a bag to be thrown away, and hey presto – you’ve one clean, comfy baby!

Once you’ve mastered the art of disposable diapers you might fancy trying reusable diapers, good luck!