Our Expert Panel

At Baby & Toddler, our mission is deeply rooted in empowering parents and caregivers with trustworthy advice and creating a supportive community as they navigate the beautiful and sometimes challenging journey of raising the next generation of confident and compassionate kids. We understand the immense importance of reliable information and the profound impact it has on the well-being of families. That is why we are committed to providing the highest quality content that meets the highest standards of trustworthiness, medical accuracy, and reflects the most current thinking and perspectives on pregnancy, childhood, and parenthood.

To ensure that our content maintains these high standards, we have established the Baby & Toddler Expert Panel, consisting of a prestigious group of recognized experts. Our Expert Panel plays a vital role in our commitment to providing accurate and reliable information to our readers. Our Expert Panel comprises a diverse group of recognized experts, each possessing up-to-date credentials, certifications, and a science-backed view of health, pregnancy, and parenting topics. They are passionate about sharing accurate information and have a strong commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of families throughout Canada. Their collective expertise spans various disciplines, including pediatricians, child psychologists, lactation consultants, nutritionists, and more. Together, they bring a holistic perspective to parenting and offer a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and joys that come with pregnancy and raising children.

The members of our Expert Panel actively engage in reading and reviewing our articles, ensuring that the information we present can be trusted and relied upon. They lend their expertise to validate the accuracy and relevance of our content, helping us maintain the highest quality standards. But their involvement goes beyond reviewing existing content. Our Expert Panel also contributes their wealth of knowledge and experience by creating additional expert content exclusively for Baby & Toddler. This expert-generated content covers a wide range of topics related to health, pregnancy, and parenting, addressing the specific concerns and challenges faced by parents and caregivers. By collaborating closely with our Expert Panel, our dedicated editorial team ensures that only the best, unbiased, and evidence-based parenting information reaches the hands of millions of users. 

We invite you to explore and get to know the skilled and passionate members of our Baby & Toddler Expert Panel. Their collective expertise, dedication, and commitment to accurate information are at the heart of everything we do. Together, we strive to empower parents and caregivers, ensuring they embark on their parenting journey with confidence, knowledge, and the support they need.

Meet The Expert Panel

Katie Hilton – RN, RM, RHV - Parenting Expert & Registered Nurse

Bradie Hutton – RD, MHSc - Registered Dietitian

Rhiannon Phillips – RN, IBCLC - Registered Nurse, Lactation Consultant