Toddler Constipation: Signs, Causes and Relief

Toddler Constipation: Signs, Causes and Relief


Constipation in toddlers is very common Here’s our expert advice on what to do to help if it happens to your child – and when you need to call a doctor.

Constipation happens when your child doesn’t poop regularly and/or has hard, dry poop that can be painful to push out into a diaper, the potty or the toilet. It’s very common among 2 to 3 year olds and is often a temporary thing. Sometimes, though, it can last for longer and need medical treatment.

What are the symptoms of constipation in toddlers?

Your toddler may be constipated if:

  • They haven’t done a poop at least 3 times in the past week
  • Their poops are big and hard or like hard, dry pellets or rabbit droppings
  • They’re in pain or straining when trying to poop
  • There is blood on their poop or on the toilet paper when they wipe
  • They have a poor appetite or a stomach pain that disappears once a poop is done
  • If they’re potty trained, liquid poop is leaking into their pants (runny poop may flow out around a stuck hard poop: this is called overflow soiling)
  • They are avoiding doing a poop – crossing legs, clenching buttocks, going red and sweaty, crying

What are the best remedies for toddler constipation?

If treated early, simple toddler constipation can usually be resolved. Here are 5 simple steps to try:

1. Make sure they’re drinking enough

A good fluid intake will help soften your child’s poop and make it easier to push out. Offer your toddler plenty of water throughout the day.


2. Big up the fibre

Foods full of fibre are nature’s natural laxatives, helping your toddler’s digestive system to work properly and making poops softer. Good fibre-rich choices include:

  • apples
  • ripe bananas
  • apricots
  • kiwi fruit
  • figs
  • prunes
  • pears
  • oranges
  • broccoli
  • sweet potato
  • beans, peas and lentils
  • wholemeal bread
  • beans
  • cereals
  • porridge


3. Chill out at poop time

You may be worried about your child’s constipation but try not to let it show! Stay calm and reassuring when they want to do a poop. Give them lots of praise and encouragement when they do manage one, and don’t make a fuss over any accidents.

If your child is potty-trained and has moved onto using the toilet, get them a step to position under the toilet bowl, so they can sit comfortably with their feet flat on the step. This is a much better position for pooping than having your legs dangling in mid air.

If you toddler is holding onto their poop or is otherwise anxious about doing a poop, don’t force anything. Suggest giving it a go a couple of times a day and let them sit for at least 10 minutes each time (provide some picture books for entertainment).

4. Encourage lots of physical activity

Moving your body helps move food through your toddler’s gut and can stimulate a need to poop. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes a day of walking, running and jumping around.


5. Try some tummy massage

Lie your toddler on their back and move their legs separately in a cycling motion to put gentle pressure on their intestine and stimulate bowel movement.


What causes constipation in toddlers?

Toddlers can become constipated for a variety of reasons including:

  • Not drinking enough water: if your child doesn’t drink enough fluids this can cause or worsen constipation
  • Changes in routine: moving house, potty training, starting nursery or the arrival of a new baby sibling can cause temporary constipation
  • Diet: not eating enough high-fibre foods, like fruit and vegetables
  • Not getting enough exercise: children who aren’t very active are more likely to become constipated
  • Cow’s milk protein allergy: if your child shows any signs of cow’s milk allergy, speak to your doctor
  • Medicines: constipation can be a side effect of some medications, so if you suspect this is the cause, talk to your doctor – it may be possible to find an alternative medication
  • Anxiety about doing a poop: once your toddler’s become constipated and then tries to do – or does do – a large poop, it may hurt, and the skin in that area may split and bleed a little. Understandably, this can then make your toddler scared to do another poop – and you end up in a vicious circle where your child is trying to avoid doing a poop because they don’t want it to hurt again, but holding onto poop only make the constipation worse.


When do I need to worry – and when should I call a doctor?

If treated early with the simple remedies above, your child’s constipation can usually be resolved. But if you think your child is withholding their poop, talk to your doctor.

If your toddler isn’t withholding but the constipation continues for more than a week, it can lead to what’s called chronic constipation – where your child’s rectum may become used to being full and your toddler then won’t feel the urge to poop. Liquid poop can build up behind the stuck solid poop and may leak into your child’s pants or cause diarrhoea. The pressure of a full bowel on their bladder can also lead to your child to wet themselves. Do seek your doctors advice if you think your child has chronic constipation. Your doctor may prescribe age-appropriate doses of laxatives, which will soften your toddler’s poop. These can take a little time to work and get your toddler pooping regularly again.

Don’t be tempted to give your child a laxative without first consulting a healthcare professional – and never give your child an adult laxative: they’re too strong for young children and could make your toddler unwell.

It’s rare that constipation is a symptom of something more serious, but if your baby or child is unwell, not gaining weight, or vomiting along with the constipation, then you should always contact your doctor.