Week Fourteen: Symptoms, Ultrasound and Baby Size

Week Fourteen: Symptoms, Ultrasound and Baby Size

What to expect at fourteen weeks pregnant. Everything you need to know about your body and baby as you enter your second trimester.

At fourteen weeks pregnant, you are now in your second trimester. Thankfully, some of those peskier early pregnancy symptoms will now be easing off and, for many women, the pregnancy glow is kicking in.

You’ve probably already had your 12-weeks scan and may be ready to share your happy news with friends and wider family. You might notice the beginnings of a baby bump, too.

However, while you may have waved goodbye to morning sickness and other first trimester gripes, there are still some symptoms to look out for in your second trimester. Read on for everything you need to know about and your baby’s development and your changing body at fourteen weeks pregnant.

Your Baby at Fourteen Weeks Pregnant

By the fourteen-week stage, your baby is about the size of a peach or a nectarine. The fetus is now about 9 to 10cm long (4 inches) and weighs approximately 57 grams. However, at this point, although growth is rapid the rate can vary day-to-day and between pregnancies.

Your baby’s facial muscles will now be strengthening and twitching during your second trimester. Although you might not be able to see the frowns and smiles just yet, they’ll be practicing their adorable facial expressions in the womb.

The fetus is lengthening at fourteen weeks. This means your baby is beginning to stand up straight in your uterus and no longer appears curled over, as the neck straightens out. Baby is also moving around quite a bit. During your second trimester, you may start to feel all sorts of strange sensations as your baby wiggles around in your tummy.

Very fine, downy hair known as lanugo is still sprouting all over your baby’s body, as well as hair on their head and eyebrows. Your baby’s digestive system is also continuing to develop. Their intestines are now producing meconium, which will be passed as baby’s first poop.

The roof of your baby’s mouth is forming at fourteen weeks pregnant.

Your Body at Fourteen Weeks Pregnant

While your baby is rapidly developing, your body is also going through some big changes at fourteen weeks pregnant.

As you enter your second trimester, some women may begin to see a baby bump. This is because your uterus is now moving above your pelvic bone and into your lower abdomen.

Fourteen Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Many women claim the second trimester is when they really start to enjoy their pregnancy. This is because, for some, those pesky early pregnancy symptoms including morning sickness and fatigue start to wear off.

You may even feel a new-found sense of energy, which can come in handy for all the baby prep you’ve got to look forward to.

However, there are still pregnancy symptoms you may experience at fourteen weeks.

Dizziness and feeling faint

The extra blood pumping around your body can cause you to feel light-headed, dizzy and even faint. To ease these symptoms, try and remember to stand up and sit down slowly and keep sugar levels up with regular (healthy) snacks. If you feel faint, make sure you take a seat and rest up as soon as possible.

Varicose veins

The increased blood flow will also cause your veins to become more visible. Although, you might not appreciate this aesthetically, it’s a good sign as it means there’s an increased blood supply to your growing baby.

Increased appetite and food cravings

With the nausea subsiding in your second trimester, you might notice your appetite increases. Your fluctuating hormones can also lead to a hankering for unusual foods and strange culinary combinations.


As progesterone levels increase, one side effect can be constipation. This often occurs around the second and third month but may worsen as your pregnancy continues.

Bloating, indigestion and heartburn

This pesky progesterone has a lot to answer for. Increased levels of the hormone in your body can also cause bloating at fourteen weeks pregnant. This is because it slows down the digestion process so that there’s more time to pass the nutrients on to your baby. However, in doing so, your growing uterus will squash and press onto your stomach and intestines. Your hormones also relax the valve between your stomach and esophagus, causing heartburn.

Higher energy levels

One positive symptom many women experience as they enter their second trimester is a lease of energy. This is because the placenta begins to kick into action and takes over the job of providing nutrients for your baby.

Increased sex drive

Another plus, with higher energy levels and a new rush of hormones, you may find yourself with increased libido. It’s said your new-found high sex drive can even have health benefits for you and your baby. These include improved mood, better sleep and tightening of your pelvic floor muscles – which can help speed up your recovery after birth. However, doctors advise you should abstain if you have a history of early labour miscarriage.

Fourteen Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

Although often dubbed the ‘12-week scan‘, at around 10 to 14 weeks you will have your first ultrasound. Known as the ‘dating scan’, hopefully, a sonographer will carry out an ultrasound which will be used to give you an estimated due date. You should have consulted your doctor or midwife and booked in your first appointments at around the 8-week stage.

This first scan will also look at a few other things. These include:

  • Size of your baby – they’ll check your baby is growing and developing correctly.
  • Number of babies – at this scan you may find out you’re expecting twins (or more!!).
  • Heartbeat – this is usually the time you’ll be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat.
  • Vital organs – the sonographer will also make sure your baby’s organs are developing.

For more information on development and milestones at every stage of your pregnancy, visit our pregnancy week by week guide.