Week Twenty-Five: Symptoms, Bump and Baby Size

Week Twenty-Five: Symptoms, Bump and Baby Size

What to expect at twenty-five weeks pregnant. Everything you need to know about your body and your baby at week twenty-five of your pregnancy.

It has probably dawned on you that soon it will be time to actually deliver this baby. You are approaching the end of your second trimester and, despite flagging energy levels, week twenty-five could be the perfect time to create your birth plan.

Read on to find out more about you and your baby’s development at twenty-five weeks.


Your Baby at Twenty-Five Weeks Pregnant

Your baby is now 33cm long and weighs around 0.68kg, which is about the same size as a cauliflower.

At twenty-five weeks your baby should be active, kicking and punching in your tummy – which might not be so fun for you.

They will start to develop startle reflexes and it’s not uncommon to hear your baby hiccupping at this stage.

Your baby’s skin is also turning pinker as their capillaries are forming under the skin and filling with blood. Their nostrils and nose are beginning to work this week enabling them to practice taking breaths and some babies can even begin to smell.

Slowly your baby will begin to gain fat and lose their wrinkly appearance. This baby fat helps to maintain your baby’s body temperature after birth. Sweat glands on their skin and creases on their palms will also appear.

Your baby will now be able to grasp onto things in their fists, suck their thumb and play with their feet and umbilical cord.

Your Body at Twenty-Five Weeks Pregnant

During the latter half of your pregnancy it is common to have cravings for particular foods. There is no harm in fulfilling these cravings but make sure you continue to eat a balanced diet around them.

Twenty-Five Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

Heartburn and indigestion

As your growing baby pushes on your digestive system acid can be pushed from your stomach and cause a burning sensation in your esophagus. Most antacids are safe to have during pregnancy but check if you are unsure. It is best to consume foods in smaller portions with meals being high in calcium. Try and avoid greasy, fatty and spicy foods especially before bed.


Snoring is a common symptom of pregnancy, especially in the latter parts. Increased mucous production can leave you with a sniffly nose and congestion in your sinuses. This results in more regular snores. Try using a saline nasal spray before bed. 

Tingling hands

Swelling can also put pressure on your wrists which can result in numbness and tingling pains in the hands. This is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. It often occurs in the second or third trimester but can also develop days after the birth of your baby. Wearing wrist supports can help to alleviate discomfort. You can also take painkillers to offer short-term relief. Alongside this you can complete hand exercises to help blood flow.

Twenty-Five Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound

At twenty-five weeks pregnant you are likely to have a prenatal appointment where your doctor or midwife might talk about your delivery and birth plans. You may like to consider how you will cope with pain, interventions and comfort. After this meeting it is important to write up your chosen birth plan and put a copy in your notes folder. Make sure your birthing partner has a copy too. Be prepared that the doctors, midwives or nurses may not be able to stick to your birth plan, but it will give them an idea of what you would like.

For more information on development and milestones at every stage of your pregnancy, visit our pregnancy week by week guide.

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