Week Twenty-Six: Symptoms, Tiredness and Baby Size

Week Twenty-Six: Symptoms, Tiredness and Baby Size

What to expect at twenty-six weeks pregnant. Everything you need to know about your body and your baby at week twenty-six of your pregnancy.

Congratulations, you are two thirds of the way through your pregnancy. Your baby looks more like a newborn than ever before and has opened their eyes for the first time.

Your bump is growing, and as you head towards the end of your second trimester and into your third you may notice some new pregnancy symptoms.

Read on to find out more about you and your baby’s development at twenty-six weeks.

Your Baby at Twenty-Six Weeks Pregnant

At twenty-six weeks pregnant your baby will now be over 35cm long and weigh 0.76kg which is similar size to a cabbage.

Your baby’s response to sound is becoming consistent and they can hear more distinctly, recognizing both you and your partners voices. Their other senses are evolving too with the nostrils opening allowing them to start smelling. Their taste buds are now fully developed, and their lips and mouth are becoming more sensitive. Teeth are starting to form in the gums too. They also have tiny fingernails now.

Your baby will soon begin to feel cramped in your uterus. There is still plenty of room for your growing baby. However, it means that there is less space for somersaults and violent kicks.

For the past few months your baby’s eyes have been closed. But at twenty-six weeks pregnant their eyes are beginning to open, and they can see their surroundings. Test this by shining a light on your stomach and see if the baby kicks in response. Their vision is still limited but this will continue to develop over the coming months.

Their brain wave activity is improving at this stage of pregnancy which allows your baby to respond to sound and light and have more coordinated movements.

Your Body at Twenty-Six Weeks Pregnant

During pregnancy your body can become hotter than usual. This is due to your increased weight and hormones. Especially in the summer months, it is easy to overheat. In order to stay cool, buy some fruit ice pops to snack on and make some ice cubes to add to drinks.

Twenty-Six Weeks Pregnant Symptoms


As your uterus grows the pressure on your stomach and intestines is increasing which results in a bloating feeling. In order to reduce this problem, try and eat smaller portions throughout the day so that your digestive system is not overloaded, and your baby can absorb nutrients at a slower pace.


Trying to get plenty of sleep before your baby arrives is easier said than done. With heartburn, discomfort, cramps and bathroom trips to contend with a full night’s sleep is a thing of the past. There are lots of tactics to help you relax before bed and easily get to sleep. The best things you can do to help occur during the day. Try to do some gentle exercises and get some fresh air. It is advisable to drink lots of fluids but try and limit this in the evenings.

Pregnancy brain

As you reach the latter stages of pregnancy you may notice that you start to forget information quickly and become temporarily clumsier than usual. This is quite normal for women to experience. Try to write things down as they come to you to help stay organized. 

Things to think about at Twenty-Six Weeks Pregnant

Be sure to have booked prenatal classes in your area. Why not ask your partner to go with you? Even if you’ve had children before, they are still worth going to, as you can meet other parents-to-be.

For more information on development and milestones at every stage of your pregnancy, visit our pregnancy week by week guide.

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